JNE Hours of Operational Work To Couriers You Need to Know : Website2

JNE Hours of Operational Work To Couriers You Need to Know

JNE’s operating working hours to couriers should be very useful if you often have or send packages. JNE is a package delivery  that you can often use as an option. JNE is indeed a selection of expedition services that are widely used by the community.

Moreover, in an era with buying activities that are in high demand such as today, the opportunity for suah delivery services must be very open. Package delivery is required, human parcel delivery is not only required when shopping online, but for students or workers who are abroad, parcel shipments are certainly very dependent.

JNE itself has a wide choice of types of delivery parcel services that can be adjusted to your needs and costs. When you are going to send a package, you definitely need to know JNE’s operating hours. So, when you are going to send items or will collect packages in the office, you will not be disappointed because the package is closed.

JNE branch offices are mostly open Monday to Sunday. However, operating hours vary, from Monday to Friday, it is open from 08.00 to 15.00, Saturday at 08.00 to 15.00, and Sunday at 08.00 to 14.00. In addition, you must also know the working hours of JNE operations to other couriers.

JNE Branch Office Working Hours JNE Package Delivery Service

JNE has branch offices spread throughout Indonesia. This JNE branch office is the head office, in addition to that most of the data, shipments and others are processed. Because it is the head office, of course, the location of this branch office is located in the center of the city, as well as the highway, which is located not far from the city center.


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So, if you want to make a package complaint or just want to find information clearly, you can get to the branch office in your city center. The working hours of this branch office are open daily. However, on certain days, operating hours are quite limited.

Monday to Friday, operating hours are from 8am to 7pm, while for weekends such as Saturdays it is open from 8 am to 3 pm, and finally Sunday is open at 8am to 2pm.

Although working hours vary, in some cities, JNE’s operating hours to couriers reach 24 hours, especially for its operating offices. Therefore, you can ask in the branch office closest to where you live.

Acting Hours of Work To JNE Stores

After knowing the working hours of the branch office, you must also know the working hours of the agent’s office, to the stores. The offices and shops of JNE agents are spread across various parts of Indonesia. In general, the agents’ office is open during the week, that is Monday to Saturday, from 8am to 5 p.m.

Similar to branch offices, there are several agent offices that are open for up to 24 hours to serve consumers who want to deliver packages. Meanwhile, for stores, there are stores that are open until the evening at 9 p.m. However, there are also stores that are only open until the afternoon. So, JNE’s operating hours to couriers may vary.

When sending a package, whether you send a package from an agent or a small JNE outlet, the package is picked up by the car that takes the package from JNE, then it is taken to the branch office. The pick-up is usually done during the day at 1 p.m.

If you want the package to be sent or processed quickly that day, trysending a package or arriving at the JNE agent’s location no later than 1 p.m., because usually the first pick-up is done during the day, so that your package can be processed faster.   The operating hours of jne to the couriers shall be known. Next up is the courier’s working hours.

JNE Courier Service Business Hours

The working hours of this JNE courier are based on the selection of given packages. As we know, JNE has several parcel delivery services. The first is the regular package. Then there is YES, OK, then SS. Below is the information about the courier’s operating times.

  1. Regular package. REG is indeed selling better, the length of the packages they send takes 1 to 3 days. Courier operating hours from Monday to Friday are from 08.30 to 17.30, while on Saturdays it is from 08.30 to 13.00.


Red dates as well as holidays there is no parcel delivery, and packages will be processed during the week. So, if you want to send items trying to ship when the weekend arrives, it’s best to ship the goods Monday to Thursday to avoid delivery delays.


  1. Yes the package. Many users recommend using this service, especially if you want to receive the goods faster. This service even still serves the delivery of goods. So that JNE’s operating hours to couriers for YES are much longer. The operating schedule for the YES package is from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.


  1. OK package. Economic cost is a JNE package under the name OKE. Because it has a low price, this package is most suitable for selection when you want to ship items at a fairly heavy weight. The delivery duration of this pack is 2 to 4 days.


The working hours of couriers sending OKE packages are usually Monday to Friday, from 08.30 to 17.00. Inaddition, on holidays, no packages will be delivered, because the courier will sendyes packages. Therefore, pay close attention to the day of delivery.


  1. JNE SS. This product has a duration of less than 24 hours, so this service is the fastest.  JNE’s working hours are operational for the courier for this type of package from Monday to Sunday at 8 am to 12 pm.

How to Find an Agent’s Office for JNE Outlets

With the wide selection of services owned by JNE, you’re definitely more interested in using it, right? To find information about the JNE office address, you don’t have to mind searching for it, as you can open a browser and use Google Map.

Later you can search for keywords depending on the city you want to find an agent for or by looking for operational JNE work hours to couriers.  When you want to visit it, don’t forget to turn on the location feature on your phone, so that it can be run by following the directions correctly.

Knowing the working hours of JNE operations is indeed very important, especially since you are a subscription to the delivery of this package. Especially when there is no one at home and finally the parcel is sent back to the branch office, if you can’t wait, you have to take the package yourself.

Usually, for those packages that have not been delivered, they go to the branch office in the city center. In addition, you can also submit complaints related to the delivery of parcels here if they do not match the timetable given. So, record the working hours of JNE operations to couriers well.